This bodyshop is located in an A-category city India and catering to luxury vehicles of a highly reputed OEM
The business was operational from the past 5 years.
The Challenges:
During our initial assessment of this business, we have identified several challenges
- Low market penetration
- Declined business growth
- Very high vehicle Turn Around Time
- Availability of skilled manpower
- High claim ratio
The improvements:
We have witnessed growth in 6 months of consulting at this site. We could get an increase of 5 million in labour sales and 12 million in parts sales annually. The number of repairs also grown 10% post our engagement which is the key factor behind the growth
We have worked extensively at this site to increase the market share, business penetration and also improving the channel partner relationship which resulted in an increase in the number of repairs per month. We are confident that the increase in market penetration will continue its momentum and our client will be able to optimize the revenue at this site in the near future
Also, we could minimize the lead time between the processes by educating the middle management team, as an after effect the TAT became under the control
We could arrest the revenue leaks within the system which made a very positive impact on the profit within a very short span of time
Our training sessions, mentoring and also the on the job coachings could bridge the gap of skill levels in the manpower
Behind the scenes:
The management was having very clear visibility in terms of the business potential at this site. The challenges were not having the bodyshop business intelligence the middle management team. The management has wholeheartedly supported us for implementing the customer retention measures and bodyhop business promotional activities proposed by us
The team have adapted the changes and implemented our recommendations